Finland host several gold occurrences, resembling orogenic gold deposits, but with metal associations (Co, Ag, Cu, Ni, Sb) that do not fit into traditional classification scheme. Especially Au-Co deposits are currently under heavy exploration due to the cobalt demand for rechargeable batteries. One of the most promising occurrences are located in the Paleoproterozoic Peräpohja belt. Rompas-Rajapalot Au-Co deposits occur at the northern part of the Peräpohja belt, near the contact between Central Lapland Granitoid Complex.
The talk is given by Dr. Jukka-Pekka Ranta from the University of Oulu. First part of the talk will focus on introducing orogenic gold deposit class, characteristics of orogenic gold and why cobalt, copper and other specific elements do not fit into the traditional classification scheme. Second part of the talk will focus on the Rompas-Rajapalot Au-Co occurrences, their characteristics and results from recent research.
1st part: Introduction to orogenic Au with emphasis on Finnished examples (45 min)
2nd part: Rompas-Rajapalot Au occurrences (45 min)