Student groups will choose on area of interest based on the metal(s) they choose to target. Areas are predetermined and represent different types of mineral potential areas from Finland. Students will do a literature review of the mineral systems and current models and download the freely available datasets from the Geological Survey of Finland and Geological Survey of Sweden web services. Using GIS softwares (ArcGIS or QGIS) and/or geochemical plotting softwares (e.g. IoGAS), student will intergrate different types of datasets (geophysical, geochemical, geological) in order to select targets within their selected area. At the end of the course, student groups will submit a report with high quality figures and logical interpretations of potential target areas. At the start of the course, introductory lectures are held comprising of target generation on general (intergration of different data types, typical workflow, use of legacy data) and case studies from the industry.