In the context of this online webinar essential skills for young geologists working in exploration targeting in combination with a presentation on the career options for Geo's - what makes an excellent Mining- and Exploration Geologist are the focus of the first part. Furthermore, successful exploration methods for the targeting of the Sakatti Ni-Cu-PGE deposit in northern Finland and the Rakkurjärvi IOCG deposit south of Kiruna in Sweden will be addressed as case studies. The third part comprises the PAN- EUROPEAN RESERVES & RESOURCES REPORTING COMMITTEE (PERC) Code and its role for setting standards for public reporting of exploration results, mineral resources, and mineral reserves by companies listed on markets in Europe. Information presented in the course shall be addressed and evolved by discussions during the lectures.
The lecturer:
Jim is the former head of arctic exploration for Anglo American plc, and led the team that discovered the Sakatti magmatic copper-nickel-PGM deposit in Finland, receiving the Fennoscandian Mining Award in 2011 and the Nordic Exploration Award in 2012 for his role in this discovery and the Rakkurijarvi IOCG deposit in Sweden. Jim has worked for Rio Tinto, British Geological Survey and Anglo American exploring for gold, diamonds, base metals, iron ore and industrial minerals throughout Sweden, Finland, Greenland, Norway, Russia and Canada. He has a BSc in Geology from Kings College London, and an MSc and DIC from the Royal School of Mines, is a Fellow and Councillor of the Geological Society of London, a Fellow of the SEG and has Chartered Geologist and European Geologist professional status. Furthermore, Jim acts as a scrutineer for Chartered Geologist candidates, is a stalwart of the Mineral Deposit Study Group and mentors young geologists.